2024 Rome, Italy

I-32 Christian Bartels
Getting a better description of treatment effects for time to event data using PKPD modelling
Wednesday 09:50-11:15
I-37 Linnea Bergenholm
Predicting plasma and liver exposure in humans with a pharmacokinetic model for a GalNAc3-conjugated antisense oligonucleotide using sparse monkey data
Wednesday 09:50-11:15
I-50 Marion Bouillon-Pichault
Model-based meta-analysis of efficacy and safety of anti-PD1 compounds in melanoma
Wednesday 09:50-11:15
I-63 Blesson Chacko
Why patients may not benefit from effective oncology drugs
Wednesday 09:50-11:15
I-68 Estelle Chasseloup
Use of mixture models in pharmacometric model-based analysis of confirmatory trials: part II – control of the type I error with real placebo data
Wednesday 09:50-11:15
I-89 Richard Dimelow
PK Precision Estimation to support the Design of a Pediatric Study of Belimumab Administered Subcutaneously
Wednesday 09:50-11:15
II-13 Hyun A Lee
A mechanism-based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model to evaluate the mutual relationships between YH4808, a novel K+-competitive acid blocker, and intragastric pH in humans
Wednesday 15:10-16:40
II-34 Paolo Magni
Artificial intelligence and machine learning: just a hype or a new opportunity for pharmacometrics?
Wednesday 15:10-16:40
II-48 Robin Michelet
A workflow for application of the general pharmacodynamic interaction model on high-throughput combinatorial data in order to identify, quantify and characterise drug combinations that can overcome multi-drug-resistance
Wednesday 15:10-16:40
II-59 Bernard Ngara
A Semi-mechanistic population pharmacokinetic model quantifying hair concentrations of ritonavir-boosted atazanavir. A study of HIV infected Zimbabweans adolescents.
Wednesday 15:10-16:40
II-61 Laura Zwep
Hierarchical group LASSO with random effects: identification of high-dimensional omics-drug interactions predictive of treatment response in patient-derived tumor growth data
Wednesday 15:10-16:40
II-87 Javier Reig-López
Validation of a Semi-mechanistic model with first-pass metabolism, two metabolic pathways and intestinal efflux transporter implemented in PhysPK biosimulation software.
Wednesday 15:10-16:40
III-03 François Riglet
Bayesian individual dynamic predictions of biomarkers and risk of event in joint modelling (with uncertainty): a comparison between Stan, Monolix and NONMEM
Thursday 09:55-11:20
III-15 Jérémy Seurat
Comparison of Phase I combination therapy designs by clinical trial simulations to evaluate early tumor shrinkage
Thursday 09:55-11:20
III-36 Hadi Taghvafard
Modeling (a)symmetry of concentration-effect curves
Thursday 09:55-11:20
III-37 Hiroyuki Takita
The dynamics of pharmacological effects aimed at gut wall: A framework for a nested-target-within-enterocyte (NTWE) model that accounts for turnover of target and cell
Thursday 09:55-11:20
III-40 David Ternant
Revisiting target-mediated elimination of therapeutic antibodies: the irreversible binding approximation
Thursday 09:55-11:20
III-45 Carlos Traynor
Towards personalised medicine in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: design of a forecasting model of disease-progression to overall survival.
Thursday 09:55-11:20
III-70 Sebastian Weber
Qualifying drug dosing regimens in pediatrics using Gaussian Processes
Thursday 09:55-11:20
III-72 Gustaf Wellhagen
Modelling UACR as a clinical endpoint
Thursday 09:55-11:20
IV-04 Ronan Duchesne
Identifiability in nonlinear mixed effect models: the example of in vitro erythropoiesis
Thursday 15:25-16:50
IV-44 Guenter Heimann
An Industry Perspective on Extrapolation in Pediatric Drug Development: A Quantitative Approach to Assess Similarity of Adult and Pediatric Efficacy.
Thursday 15:25-16:50
IV-60 Itziar Irurzun-Arana
ACESO (A Cancer Evolution Simulation Optimizer)
Thursday 15:25-16:50
IV-64 Jin Jin
Model-informed artificial intelligence (AI) solution enabling real-time predictions: towards next generation modeling
Thursday 15:25-16:50
IV-72 Vangelis Karalis
An In Vitro – In Vivo Simulation Methodology for Predicting the Outcome of Bioequivalence Studies
Thursday 15:25-16:50
IV-75 Adrien Tessier
Use of mixture models in pharmacometric model-based analysis of confirmatory trials: part I - simulation study evaluating type I error and power of proof-of-concept trials
Thursday 15:25-16:50